Toast topped with a delightful mayonnaise and cheese mixture, with a taste of lemon pepper! It's easy to do ahead, and delectable. The crab is entirely...
Have these as appetizers or a light lunch. Using English muffins and canned crab meat. You can store in freezer until ready to use, then cook them. This...
These tartines are assembled on long slices of crisply toasted baguette topped with a mash of garlic and herb BoursinĀ®, cut with ricotta and goat cheese...
As I researched the health benefits of pumpkin seeds I discovered that not only did they have lots of nutritional benefits, but contained large amounts...
I live to serve some cute, non-sweet foods on Christmas day and these little Santa crackers were a big hit last year. Serve them rather soon after making,...
This simple and delicious appetizer was inspired by a favorite sandwich I occasionally make--baguette, butter, brie, pear, and pepper. Here we're using...
They say smell is the sense most closely linked to memory recall, and that was certainly the case while making these garlicky, buttery bay scallops on...
I was surprised this recipe wasn't listed. One of my favorite summer snacks! You can use fat free cream cheese and mayo if you would like to cut back on...
Light, airy, cheese puffs are a versatile addition to a meal or appetizer plate. Tiny, they're like soup nuts. Larger, they pair well with beer or wine....
Not sure where this originated from, but I always get plenty of compliments when I make this easy and delicious appetizer! These can be frozen after being...
If you're going to serve your pate or rillettes with toasted bread and mustard anyway, why not save a step and just make mustard-flavored crostini? That's...
Low on ingredients? This is quick, easy, and surprisingly filling. This recipe capitalizes on the wonderful taste of avocado, so make sure yours is in...
Combine ham, cream of chicken soup, cheese, green onions and mayonnaise. Spread on mini-bagels and heat. Easy to prepare, always been a hit at potlucks....
While virtually unknown compared to most other popular fried party snacks, these shrimp toasts are easy to make and every bit as delicious, and addictive,...
Add a splash of color to any party with this easy appetizer of Middle Eastern-inspired roasted beet hummus spread over multigrain bread and topped with...
This fabulous appetizer was wonderful at our wine tasting group. Lightly toasted French baguette slices are spread with a diced prosciutto and Parmesan...
Of all the different appetizers I've made over the years, this one is always the first to go and it is SUPER easy to make. You can use either sweet or...
Miniaturized sandwiches don't usually float my boat, or submarine, as they're almost always not as good as the full-sized versions, but these mini Philly...
Easy, delicious appetizer using spicy, capicola ham. Make sure you use fresh basil, as the flavors will not be the same if you use dried. These can be...
Wonton cups are filled with a flavorful cheese and sausage mixture, then baked. Topped with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkling of green onions, these...
They say smell is the sense most closely linked to memory recall, and that was certainly the case while making these garlicky, buttery bay scallops on...
Golden polenta slices are topped with homemade pesto, prosciutto, and roasted red peppers in this yummy appetizer prepared in a Panasonic CIO. This recipe...
They say smell is the sense most closely linked to memory recall, and that was certainly the case while making these garlicky, buttery bay scallops on...
If you're going to serve your pate or rillettes with toasted bread and mustard anyway, why not save a step and just make mustard-flavored crostini? That's...